There is a need

...for a place for Christians who have dropped out of the mainstream churches, for various reasons, who are without substantial Christian fellowship.   This is an alternative ministry which offers inclusiveness to those who are otherwise overlooked. 

The answer for many may be for Christian fellowship in line with the recent trend toward Christian fellowship in a home setting where the format is less formal and there is little or no financial burden nor any obligation to serve in offices or committees or generally get burnt out by so much activity by which they decided to drop out.  

A pure and simple Christian life is what you are looking for; isn't that right?  We are not talking about disgruntled malcontents nor backsliders who are under the disciplinary hand of God, but of sincere Christians who are yet to find their proper place among the saints of God.  

The Sunday New York Times, front page article, dated April 29, 2001, Search for the Right Church Ends at Home, states that, "While numbers for such an intentionally decentralized religious phenomenon are hard to pin down, as many as 1,600 groups in all 50 states are listed on house church Web sites."

We recognize that there needs to be a place for you just as you would want it to be. This Web site offers some simple suggestions on how to gather in small groups simply in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and how to not fall into the same traps that cycled you out of the denominations.  Over time, we would like to make introductions between those who respond to this site.

The following link is an interesting article called  THE "OUT-OF-CHURCH" CHRISTIANS  by Andrew Strom.  It is subtitled  Why are tens of thousands of devoted Christians leaving the churches? Is it a 'movement'?  What is causing this world-wide phenomenon?    

The following link is a discussion which asks WHY DO WE HAVE ALL THESE DENOMINATIONS?  

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